The good news: a bone marrow biopsy wasn’t as bad as I imagined.

What hurt the most was numbing with Xylocaine which burned like crazy and sucking the bone marrow out which felt like I had a charley horse in my buttock.

The bad news, the doctor said:

One possible treatment is Gleevec. However, I saw this quote on the American Cancer Society web page

…the cost of treating a patient with Gleevec is estimated at $25,000 per year. Should a young patient continue to take this drug throughout his or her lifetime, it would be very expensive compared to other therapies currently available.

There’s always the chance that it’s all a mistake.

My sister told me not to worry about it, since we won’t really know until the lab analysis comes back. My next appointment is on New Year’s Eve. I don’t know how I’m supposed to keep from worrying, unless I’m completely drugged.

This could get a lot worse.

2 thoughts on “The good news: a bone marrow biopsy wasn’t as bad as I imagined.”

  1. Who is your doctor and what is this Gleevec????? That biopsy sounds whack! I’m glad that noone has asked that from me. What the fuck is wrong with you Sashi? Are you sure that it’s not just an extra heavy case of crabbiness?!?!!! I think that is where my cancer came from. You and I need to go on a retreat where they teach us to forgive and let go!!! Our crabby dispossitions are trying to kill us! Chin up,cutie. I’m prayin’ for ya’!!!

  2. I was going to ask if your doctor offered you any antidepressants or anything. Also, you were saying how you have shitty luck, and yeah, it totally sucks that you might have leukemia, but you know, it was a total and utter fluke that you got that blood test done and they caught it. So, that is pretty lucky. Were you around benzene a lot before? I read that exposure to benzene can lead to CML. What the heck is benzene, anyway?

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