Happy 90th Birthday Pa!

It’s my dad’s 90th birthday today! My sister got him a cake and a present. I, of course, regifted something Carolyn gave me. It’s a kangaroo pen and it’s sticking out of his pocket. I figured it would make him happy. I quite enjoyed using the punching function of the pen, but my dad is the toy guy. I’m sure I’m in trouble now with Carolyn.

And here’s a close-up of the cake. We all thought he’d want a lemon meringue pie, but he wanted chocolate cake. Mariko bought it at JaCiva’s and it’s a little rich, but quite tasty. And look how pretty.

Pa's cake.

In other news, my friend told me what he figured it cost him to drive to work every day. So, here’s the rough calculations. I fill up about every six days and I drive about 259 miles. That means a round trip is about 43 1/6 miles. So, I get about 25.1 MPG and with gasoline at $3.20/gal, my round trip costs about $5.50 in just gasoline. A trip on public transportation costs $1.95*2 or $3.90. But my commute time is only about 35-40 minutes each way in my car and it would around an hour-and-a-half each way on public transportation. Well, we’ll see what the reorganization at Megacorp yields. I may not have a work to drive to next week!

6 thoughts on “Happy 90th Birthday Pa!”

  1. You’d better have a work to drive to next week or I’m going to have to go kick some megacorp ass.

  2. Hey! I have one of those pens too. My friend got it for me in Australia. Mine is grey with red gloves though. Yes, the punching function is a lot of fun. Happy Birthday to your Dad!
    If you end up not having your job for much longer, I really believe things happen for a reason. The place that I worked went out of business and my job ended. I was quite pleased and I still am. One door closes and another one opens…

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