Another fine rainy morning.

I know I heard the paper being delivered last night, but this morning I found nothing except eggs on my car. I suppose that’s going to be another advantage of the new car. It’s harder to wash things off of the cloth convertible top than a hardtop.

My buddy Il got me some PSP movies for my birthday, and he forgot to bring them on Friday. I happened to be in the neighborhood today (helping my sister move a mattress she bought off of Craigslist) and I told him I’d come pick them up. He said he was too busy playing World of Warcraft with this woman who says she’s a Czechoslovakian pr0n star. He spends a lot of time online with her. He just left the movies on his doorstep so he didn’t have to waste any extra time answering the door. On the plus side, I finally saw Hellboy, a movie I convinced all my friends to see, but one I neglected to see until Il gave it to me on UMD.