
I’ve figured out that some things that take my daily wonder-pill and turn it into a foaming mess that gives me sharp stomach pains. One of the things is to drink a glass of water with some orange pulp in it right after taking the pill. Another is to take it with cold water. But according to the call I got today, it’s working.

I was thinking I would buy myself a Sony PlayStation Portable for my birthday. One of my co-workers said, “A grown man should not be buying himself toys.” A woman at work agreed, but she also said she had no other suggestions. The co-worker suggested something that’s illegal in 49 states. So, any suggestions? And just so you know, I’m not buying any yarn.

My sister didn’t call at all today. She better hurry up because our dad isn’t getting any younger. He said, “We sent her off to Australia, even gave her some money, and she thinks she can get away with just sending two postcards? She’s been back for a week!” Well, she only sent one postcard (Carolyn sent two), but she’s only been back for a day. He’s not looking so peppy today, and it always worries me. He’ll be 90 in 28 days!

5 thoughts on “Questions.”

  1. your sister is a biatch for not calling…world travel makes her think she’s too good for you. whatever.
    give george some love for me. i’m sorry that he isn’t so peppy anymore. but i am super stoked that your wonder pill is doing wonders! good on ya mate.

  2. Dude, you should buy yourself whatever you want. At least you’re not growing your hair in a ponytail and overextending your finances on a Porsche.

  3. your public sibling fights are so hilarious, i can’t wait to see the sistah response. look at megan using the aussie lingo. good on ya! unfortunately for your sorry ass, i didn’t give your sister the present i bought you to bring home. so you’ll have to wait until memorial day to get it.

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