The gym is all I talk about.

Honestly, what else would I talk about? Work? One of my co-workers is actually going to talk about what he does every day so he’s wondering how to get a disclaimer to stay at the top of his blog. I would rather talk obliquely about my job and not worry about it. I could also talk about what I do at home, which is usually just watching TV and playing around with my computer. Also uninteresting.

The only place I see some odd people I might be able to talk about is at the gym. For example, there was an attractive girl (who was probably young enough to be my kid) with a t-shirt that said, “I love nerds.” Well, I think it was false advertisement and she probably wouldn’t be all that impressed if I walked down there with my MIT diploma. MIT! HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW? (Sorry, that was rude.)

I also got into a discussion about sexuality and I think I came to the decision that you should do what you want. If you’re a guy and it makes you feel dirty to sleep with women because all you really want is a nice hairy-backed man, and you like feeling dirty when you’re doing naughty things, then do what you need to do (what that is, I don’t know because I just confused myself). If guys don’t do it for you (and they don’t do it for me, really) then go for women, no matter what your gender. Just make sure you’re all consenting adults. YOU HEAR THAT REPUBLICANS? CONSENTING ADULTS.

Great. I wonder how many people I alienated this time.

5 thoughts on “The gym is all I talk about.”

  1. i’m sure that you made yourself a bunch of new friends by talking about hairy backed men….i know you are gay!

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