And now I remember the dumb stuff from yesterday.

The phone rang in my office for the third time since I’d been there and I was about to pick it up and say, “What do you want?” since I figured it was my sister. Fortunately, I didn’t because it was someone who was trying to screw up the paperwork where they have me reporting to the wrong person in megacorp.

But that wasn’t the silliest thing that happened. I had my LCD monitor delivered to my megacorp cubicle yesterday. It’s part of the office ergonomics thing: I’m not supposed to be looking down at my monitor all day like I usually do anyway. This kid came to deliver it and the first thing he did was spill my coffee all over my desk. Then he started moving things around and threw my notepad directly into the coffee puddle. I cleaned it up and he hooked up my monitor which did NOT work. In fact, it took another twenty minutes of fooling around after he left to get it to work.

So there you have it. I was about to say my ass hurt, but that covers a lot of ground, doesn’t it? (It’s really all about the leg press thing and how it makes my glutes sore, but it’s funnier to say my ass hurts.) 

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