There was something interesting I was going to mention.

But I forgot what it was. Perhaps it’s my weird new eating habits at work. Instead of beating the crowds by eating early, I’ve been eating late at 1PM. And there’s only two grades for the food, better or worse than Boy Scout food. So far, they’ve done OK. Not great, since it’s not really hot food but steam-tray food, but it’s OK.

Other than that, I can’t think of much. Oh, yeah, there’s this thin woman at the gym who is kind of cute and kind of too thin, actually. I saw her drive up in a big fancy Audi that made her look tiny. I walked by her today and she smelled like a sweaty dude. I wonder…

3 thoughts on “There was something interesting I was going to mention.”

  1. ooooo it’s a nasty smelly anorexic! beware! (and find out if you can bottle her secret and send it to me)

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