There was something interesting I was going to mention.

But I forgot what it was. Perhaps it’s my weird new eating habits at work. Instead of beating the crowds by eating early, I’ve been eating late at 1PM. And there’s only two grades for the food, better or worse than Boy Scout food. So far, they’ve done OK. Not great, since it’s not really hot food but steam-tray food, but it’s OK.

Other than that, I can’t think of much. Oh, yeah, there’s this thin woman at the gym who is kind of cute and kind of too thin, actually. I saw her drive up in a big fancy Audi that made her look tiny. I walked by her today and she smelled like a sweaty dude. I wonder…

More sister gossip.

OK, so this is more brother-in-law gossip. Last weekend I fixed the phone for his “office” upstairs and he came up with this plan to communicate to my sister between floors: he’d stomp three times and then they’d both pick up the phone and yell over the dialtone. Yeesh. So I told my sister I could hook up some intercoms or something or — even better — they could use their free mobile-to-mobile minutes on their cell phones. Double yeesh.

I was shamed into going back to the gym today even though I was sick from work yesterday. My trainer is off at a conference for the rest of the week, so I met with him as well. I think we both decided that one of the reasons for our attendance at the gym was to watch certain women work out. No surprise to either of us, really. He still made me do weird arm exercises that caused weird muscle pain. I guess I wasn’t just faking this cold thing after all.

Caught a cold.

I can’t believe I slept all day and only had one dream I can remember. All I remember is waking up with nobody else in the house and all the lights being out. I walked around trying to find a flashlight so I could fix the blown fuse and when I woke up I thought I was still trying to fix the lights.

 All day and that’s all I have to report.

Exciting lives.

My sister was saying her friends went out to an art gallery opening, and another friend went to see some live music, but she had a headache and went to bed early. Well, I stayed up late taking megacorp training last night, so do I have her beat?

I spent most of the day wiring up a couple of phones in her house. I’m not sure what took so long, but I guess I did go out furniture shopping with them rather than work all the way through.

In the evening I had a call from an ex-girlfriend. I’m sure there are exciting stories that could be told by others when they get calls from their ex-girlfriends, but for me it’s usually about fixing her computer. I think she has someone else fixing her computer now, so this time it was a social call. She dragged me to a goth book reading where I was one of the few not wearing black. In fact, if I could have dressed up as, “Hello, Kitty” I think I would have. (And before you ask, no, I’m not into “that sort of thing.”)

Before the book reading we met at a restaurant and she gave me directions that were not only off by three blocks but had me walking in the wrong direction after parking. I’d already eaten so I just had a great Pot de Creme. I stole a glance at the menu and a cheeseburger is $12. She told me it was a good hamburger, and it better be for $12.

So, there you have it. The most exciting nights of the week (Friday and Saturday night) and not much to show for it except an email from megacorp HR confirming my completion of my online training.Â