Time to try to fall sleep in the fire zone.

I don’t know why they don’t have the day AFTER 4th of July off. Living next to a schoolyard, you don’t get much sleep on the 4th of July. Kids are still setting off loud fireworks at quarter to midnight.

I was planning on spending the day doing the usual “holiday” things, reading books, fooling with my computer, thinking about everything but work. Unfortunately a “friend” of mine decided I needed to hang out with him and his daughter and his French exchange student and go to a painful picnic where nobody knew anyone else. They were SF geeks at the picnic, and I spent some time telling one of the guys to move the flock back to Chicago if he was that dead set on having ketchup anywhere near his hot dog. The French exchange student spent a half hour staring at a wall. I decided my friend is an ass. I did, however, have fun with a 3-year-old putting Post-it notes all over a car window, but that only was fun for a few minutes.

One thought on “Time to try to fall sleep in the fire zone.”

  1. why are you so crabby? time for you to start drinking gin and tonics. makes me happy every time 🙂 good to see you even if it was only for 2 seconds.

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