Ma’s hat.

The Japanese translation of Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince came in and I took my mom to go pick it up. I think it cost $44 and it’s two volumes! It also came with a hat.
Ma and her hat.

Other than that the weather is finally cooling off, but it was quite humid today for these parts. That meant everyone felt a little poky and didn’t get much done. I thought about going to the gym, but that never happened. I was supposed to fix my sister’s email database for a candy swap, but I couldn’t get my local database to behave after several hours I gave up. I’m going to get some sleep instead, or so I hope. At least I didn’t destroy the server again.

6 thoughts on “Ma’s hat.”

  1. awww! your mom is so cute!! and she likes to read harry potter too? awesome. you should get her some bertie botts every flavour beans, although i’m sure she wouldn’t be keen on the vomit and earwax flavours.

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