Following Steve’s advice.

I’m still following the New Years resolution Steve made for me (he’s a noted comic book artist). I went to a housewarming party for a co-worker and met lots of people from India. They’re all from different parts of India, so I don’t really feel like an outsider. We’re all from different cultures. Well, OK, mine is more of a bacon eating culture, but you know how it is.

My friend Terri and my ex both think it doesn’t matter to women what kind of car I drive. Somehow, I think they expect me to meet someone non-superficial and, well, not suburban, who doesn’t want a peek at my bank account before letting me get to first base. And honestly, I can’t even remember what getting to first base entails, it’s been so long.

4 thoughts on “Following Steve’s advice.”

  1. whiner! i am going to beat your single ass next time i am within beating distance. i am convinced that you are barking up the wrong trees!

  2. It takes some weird car promo before she even sees your car, but it matters. Like, what are you going to do, take out the car keys and start fiddling in them or ask every single girl “So… What do you drive?”.

    On the other hand, should you ever get out within viewing distance of your car (say you walk out of the gym together) she may think, “Well, at least he doesn’t drive a 1990 Honda”. Unless you have something like a BMW 5 series or similar car over $60k, it probably won’t impress her. Except for tree huggers who look at your gas guzzling car in disgust and won’t even let you go up to bat.

  3. Your bank account is irrelevant.
    Your car is theoretically irrelevant, but not socially.
    Pick which one you care about more.
    Then figure out what you don’t want in your ball partner-
    odds are it will be a shorter list then your “do wants”.
    Then watch a lot of porn, and mebbie don’t mention the comics-most women can handle and put one in context-but not the other.
    And if she can put the one in context-you won’t need to remember, she will remind you..
    Batter up!

  4. Not only do I not care about what kind of car a man drives, but I find it incredibly unsexy when a man assumes I WILL care. I had one doofus tell me all about his Lexus with the leather seats and I am thinking “Is that all you got? You are so empty and pathetic inside that all you have to offer is your CAR? Get away, loser.”

    Of course I feel that way about most material stuff. I like it when people have cool tools that they use to pursue their passions, but to have stuff just for stuff’s sake is to me, an indicator of shallowness and stupidity.

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