I wanted to shoot someone today

I wanted to kill someone and tell Megacorp to keep their frigging job today. Why? Because I’m “evaluating programs for analysis.” Sounds like crap, doesn’t it? The descriptions of the programs I’m supposed to be analyzing are even crappier. Look at this description that I did NOT MAKE UP:

… a software-based execution environment for service-oriented and transactional applications which provides application level fault tolerance (ensuring application reliability in spite of hardware, network or software failures), virtualizes the application layer/space and is scalable on-the-fly to hundreds of processors.

What in the hell does that mean? I had to read page after page of this sort of useless marketing fluff that did NOTHING to describe what programs did. And then the project lead came over and told me to DO A BETTER JOB OF ANALYSIS. Yeah, how do you analyze a “software-based execution environment for service-oriented and transactional applications”?

Lunch went real well, too. I forgot to bring my wallet so a friend lent me the money for a burger and fries, but then he bumped the table and dumped the fries on the ground. Good thing I wasn’t that hungry.

Well, I got a memory stick for my PSP but then I found out that my game started where I left off yesterday! My thumbs hurt already. Time to hit the hay instead of rolling up more inferior katamari. (I need help.)

3 thoughts on “I wanted to shoot someone today”

  1. Hey – that sounds like some of the crap I read in architectural specs. Luckily I don’t have to evaluate them – I can just exclude them.

  2. Dude, you better not have to pay for those fries! That “friend” was just bitter that you have a new PSP but had to borrow cash. 😛

    That Megacorp manual is ridiculous. You should write the next “Office Space.”

  3. settle down birthday boy, what’s up with the bitchy mood? you secretly pissed at growing old? ha ha ha ha ha 🙂

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