Word jumble.

On the way to the gym I heard a senator use the word “unanimity” on NPR. I thought it meant the opposite of what it really means, so I was confused. I asked TWO Stanford grads if they knew what the word meant and neither did. They though I was thinking of anonymity. Yeesh. I think I was really thinking of ignominy because, well, we are talking about a senator here.

I’d post some pictures of the snow but I’m too lazy to walk downstairs to get my camera. There’s a chance I’ll insert them later.

A woman came into the gym who was not unattractive until she did something that made her that way. She changed the TV to Fox News and the O’Reilly Report. I thought about what else could be worse. CMT? A religious channel? I think she probably picked the one, though.

6 thoughts on “Word jumble.”

  1. So it isn’t the noun form of unanimous?!? That’s just confusing. But what do I know – English is my second language, and I went to Podunk State.

    The only thing I can think of that’s worse than Faux News is… is… okay, I have nothing.

  2. Unanimity is the state of being unanimous, just like anonymity is the state of being anonymous and so forth for ignominy and ignominious. One time where english makes sense…except the spelling.



  3. If you’re going to be forced to watch fake news, it should at least be The Daily Show with Jon Stewart or The Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert (both on Comedy Central). At least those guys are funny and intelligent!

  4. Did anyone else see the Colbert report when he did the Colbert Code to pick the oscar winners?

    he was right with every one he picked!

    It was similar to a six degrees of separation thing. Very funny.

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