More resolutions, less resolve.

Last weekend I was out with two high school buddies. One was off to New York to meet a woman in her early 20’s, but he’s loaded (I don’t know anyone else who has a house in Tokyo with a pool, for example) and the other was trying to decide whether to get back together with his ex who is now 27 but who he used to date nine years ago. Yeah, that means he was 40, but she was 18. Honestly, I don’t even want to talk to anyone below the age of 25. Somehow this got me to thinking about my resolutions, but I think such odd behavior just means it’s time for a midlife crisis. I’d rather avoid the crisis, myself, and perhaps avoid anything that seems a little too high-schooly.

I don’t mean to avoid being juvenile because I’m not going to drastically change my personality and start acting like an adult. That would take years of analysis and behavior modification therapy and I’m not sure it even works. I mean avoiding things like Facebook which just make me feel inadequate and make me hate all the people who are trying so hard to impress. I’ve also realized that there are certain activities I participate in which are cliquish and annoying and really don’t make me all that happy.

So, I’m not going to run any races this year. I’m not running any obstacle courses. I’m not going to join a kickball team. I’m not going to climb Denali. I’m not going to start up with any dumb-ass martial arts. I’m not going to take up skeet shooting. I’m not buying a boat.

That still leaves me with way too many things I want to do. I wonder where that puts banjo lessons on the list.