I can’t believe how much stuff I forget to do.

I have a couple of phone calls I have to make (to doctors offices) and I have to ask my sister (who isn’t taking my calls right now, the little snob) about salt for a Neti pot. Of course, I’ve had to do these things all week and I keep forgetting. Plus, I should call the window people back and see if they got my email with the weird sound recording.

I guess I’m in a good mood today because Amazon isn’t as weak as I’d thought. I ordered a Bluetooth headset, a holster, and a charger, all for my magenta Razr cell phone (it isn’t pink, OK?) Well, I ordered it on the 15th of January and it is scheduled to be delivered on the 16th of FEBRUARY or later. But I got email today saying that it was shipped today. Since I paid for “regular” shipping, it should be arriving in several days.

Which reminds me, my friend Sun sent me a birthday present last year months late because of the awesome speed of Amazon. I need to send her a birthday present, but I probably already missed it. Woo. Someone needs to get a social secretary or something. Wait, I just found the email from last year. Someone remind me in early February about this, OK?

3 thoughts on “I can’t believe how much stuff I forget to do.”

  1. I WAS ON THE PHONE. I got some of the salt packets when I ordered the Neti Pot, but you can use sea salt. It’s available at any grocery store. Oh, wait, I just got a big bag at Bob’s Red Mill. I’ll give you some of mine.

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