My craptacular window.

Well, I saw the high wind warning and you can imagine what I’m doing right now. I’m listening to my window buzz. I took the Pella window guy’s advice and taped down all of the “rain seal” but it did no good. I had my voice recorder taped to the window, but it didn’t record any of the wind-induced buzz. I can give the frame a little thump and make it buzz, though, so I know it’s there.

In other news I found out the scratch in my trunk lid will cost about four or five hundred dollars to fix (it goes all the way through the paint.) Covering over it with a sticker would be much cheaper, but I’m not driving a car that crappy. And this evening I got an email from my project lead at Megacorp saying, “DO NOT USE THE (shared) COMPUTER UNTIL I SAY IT IS OK.” I don’t know why he was so upset about. I guess I’ll find out tomorrow.

Morning update: the voice recorder’s automatic “start” will not work on the buzzy noise, so I have very little audio recorded. However, taping the voice recorder to the middle of the window stopped most of the quiet buzzing, but none of the loud buzzing. So, if I have to tape something to the middle of the window, it’s broken, right?

3 thoughts on “My craptacular window.”

  1. i can’t believe you have not gotten those motherfuckers to take that stupid obviously fucked up window back and give you a new one yet. you need to send a letter to the paper or something warning all portlandites about the pella fuckos and then maybe they’ll take you seriously.

  2. Try saying that you will be calling the State Attorney’s consumer protection division. THat generally works. ANd if it doesn’t , call them!!!1

  3. I think you should send a link to your blog to the pella people. Option #2 is to get Carolyn to call Pella for you!

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