You ever have one of those days?

OK, so it wasn’t so bad. It was just that I kept staring at the same bit of a computer program and it kept doing the wrong thing. I started by reading the documentation, then by looking at the code, then by poking around. What a nightmare.

Speaking of nightmares, tonight is supposed to be the windiest night of the year and I still don’t know if I have a proper recording solution to record the sound of my horrible window. I think I need to get a decent microphone and stick it up near the window. A laptop microphone just isn’t cutting the mustard. Oh, well. We’ll see how it goes.

One thought on “You ever have one of those days?”

  1. I don’t know if this will help you but my boyfriend has an MP3 player that is also a voice recorder. I’m not sure what brand it is. He has recorded his snoring with it many times in the past. We also recorded our old neighbor having a drunken fit of rage downstairs. It worked really well as the sound was very clear. It would work perfectly for your window. Good luck.

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