I really screwed the pooch yesterday.

I broke my gateway computer, which means I had no connection to the intarweb. That means my sister’s silly web site was offline and I was expecting phone calls from at least two people. I only got one call, from my sister, and she just wanted to know how large my ass had gotten lately. (Wanted to know my pants size for some reason. I hope she doesn’t get me plaid pants for Xmas.)

Speaking of my ass, there’s this weird sled thing at the gym. You put weights on it, and lie back, and push the weights up at an angle with your legs. It makes my ass sore. I know, I’m supposed to say, “HURR! MY GLUTES ARE REALLY BURNING!” but I think it’s funnier to say my ass hurts.

And today I got advice from some interesting people at Megacorp about how to attend an ex-girlfriend’s party:

  1. (From a guy who used to be a roadie for the Eagles) show up with your new girlfriend, who just turned 18.
  2. Just go and drink a lot.

You probably know I took option 2.

3 thoughts on “I really screwed the pooch yesterday.”

  1. I am sure that your sister has a very good reason for asking how big your ass is. She is probably knitting you a pair of plaid pants or she could e trying to figure out what size adult diaper to get you. Or she could just be asking you to bug you.

  2. i love that machine at the gym you big loser. and i know i am person #2 but i felt an email would be the gentler, kinder way to go. in addition, i knew you would not call me back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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