Never volunteer.

Come to think of it, I never did volunteer to be the “Vice-President of Communications” for the local MIT alumni club. I was asked to do it by a guy who was tired of it, and no wonder. At the same time I also was volunteered to keep track of a few cross-university alumni club mailing lists, and all I got was grief. I mean, Stanford University was already near the top of my list of west coast jackass factories when this Stanford alum told me, “arrogant functionary. we’ll meet some time. watch your back,” because I asked the list to see if a newcomer had the proper qualifications to join the list. I guess everybody in Portland is supposed to know who the Stanford grads are and just bow down before them.

Today I forwarded on an event to the MIT group mailing list and I was told, “This is spam. Do not use this list for forwarding these events.” I’m sorry, but whether or not it’s spam is MY call, or it will be for a while longer. It looks like they changed the passwords for the alumni club web site without telling me, so I may have my job taken away. I know that MIT alumni aren’t the most socially well-adjusted people, so it might just be better that I stay away from them.

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