Is the idea to start writing earlier?

So, I suppose I forgot to kvetch, er, post yesterday. I spent the day installing Linux on a friend’s computer. Today I think it was sort of watching TV or shopping for my sister’s new refrigerator. In other words, excitement city.

Since it’s the first Sunday of the month, here’s a picture from the schoolyard of a bunch of scofflaws. You probably can’t tell, but there’s a lot of little chihuahuas running around, off-leash! At $75 per violation, there’s at least, hmm, some number times $75!

2 thoughts on “Is the idea to start writing earlier?”

  1. considering there’s no popup, and the picture is about the size of a big roach, no i cannot see any fucking chihuahuas. i don’t have the ability to blow pictures up with my mind.

  2. Is this like Where’s Waldo? I think I see one between the two people on the far right.

    Do you think the term “scofflaw” is indigenous to the Portland area, or at least the Pacific Northwest? People here in NYC don’t know what it means. Possibly they’re just dumb, because what ELSE would “scoff” + “law” denote?

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