My first real day off is probably Tuesday, but my last day at work until the week of Thanksgiving was Friday. So Saturday is my first day of vacation. On the first day of vacation I had a nightmare that I was getting fired. In reality, I think they’re going to have to wait two months to do that. Then, of course, I went to the gym and then I started moving a really big pile of dirt.

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The picture is actually from the END of the day when I had most of it moved. The second day I finished moving it but it took all day. The reason I had the big pile of dirt is because I had a big hole in the back yard. Now the big hole has a bunch of dirt in it.

IMG 1095

I didn’t count, but every one of those lumps is another almost-immovable wheelbarrow load of dirt. I should have hired someone to do this, but sometimes I’m not all that smart about such things.

I hope the rest of my vacation isn’t going to continue in this manner.

2 thoughts on “MY VACATION.”

  1. Happy sabbatical! Mine started yesterday and I attempted to finish off some work. Have fun in Japan.

  2. Norm, would be ashamed, why aren’t you using power tools? Maybe a tractor would help. Or a really good friend that has tractor.


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