Blinded by the light.

Went to the eye doctor today, and I could have sworn I saw him last year. I guess it’s been TWO years since I’ve been in and I’m really supposed to go every year. However, every year they tell me something different so I’m not really surprised that I’m surprised. My contact prescription hasn’t changed, but I guess having CML means he needs to check my retinas every year. He also wrote me a prescription for Patanol, an incredibly expensive eye drop that make my eyes quit itching almost immediately. Finally, some form of hay fever relief! He said the only real problem with Patanol is that you have to rob a bank to get a refill. Anyway, I told them that my focus was getting bad and they told me to buy some reading glasses to wear with my contacts. Or don’t wear contacts when I’m looking at things close up. In either case, I’m just aging. Beats the alternative.

Nothing eventful at the gym. Just saying hello to people I recognize including the Asian lawyers (they’re either lawyers or architects and I’m guessing lawyers) and a neighbor who has been slacking lately. Oh, and sweat-boy’s lady friend who looks a little like Carolyn.

3 thoughts on “Blinded by the light.”

  1. That Patanol is good stuff. A couple years ago the eye doctor gave me a small sample and it came with a form to send in for a free travel alarm clock. I did and it is the most awesome travel alarm clock ever! I never had to buy the stuff though. How much does it cost anyway?

  2. Oh My God..I went to the eye doctor too!!! He was a million years old and told me that I was an idiot for being there.
    I hope that you have something nice planned for George!!! Feel free to do something with my dad too :0

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