More unpaid overtime!

It’s hard to screw with the company computers without other people complaining, so I went in today (Sunday). I was fairly cranky after 6 hours and no resolution, but I kept working on it after I got home and I think I fixed things. I’m sure no good deed goes unpunished so we’ll see what sort of trouble I get in.

Yesterday I went to the Klondike in St. Helens, Oregon. It’s a bar near the docks and we go there occasionally to see if they’re out of prime rib again (they run out quickly). I’ve been there several times lately (just last week, in fact) and I think I got carded about half the times I’ve been there. Yeesh. Well, they probably don’t see any Asians out there and they get confused.

So, other than that, I think I watched the History Channel for a while. Not much of a weekend to report.

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