Why would anyone complain?

I didn’t post last night because I usually remember that I didn’t post about the time I’m ready to go to bed. So I stay up a little later and try to remember what exactly it was that I wanted to kvetch about earlier in the day. Last night I decided to give it all a break and go to sleep early. THAT JUST MEANT I WOKE UP EARLIER AND HAD TO TRY TO GO BACK TO SLEEP.

In any case, I’ve decided that Afrin works well and my nostrils don’t need to have some sort of surgical drilling. The huge solar flare from last weekend didn’t affect me much because I haven’t turned on my radio in weeks. And although Mike Doughty is playing tonight, I may have to work late so I didn’t get tickets. There’s my laundry list for the day.

3 thoughts on “Why would anyone complain?”

  1. Dude. “The Gambler”. Live encore. Come on – hasn’t it been your life’s dream to hear that song live? 🙂

  2. Oh my god, you are so right, Jennifer Biels is totally hot. Could eat her with a spoon.

    Anakin is a whiney bitch. I wanted to drop kick him to Alabama in part deux!

    Anywho, what are you doing these days my friend, other than not sleeping? Me neither, I have been looking for one of those insomnia studies, but no such luck. If you find one, let me know.

    Hey- I am having lunch with Jimmy next week Tuesday at Red Star at 11:30 or so, show up and have some soup.

    Hugs, but nothing creep or germy I promise,


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