Today I fixed someone ELSE’s computer.

My friend Craig has a computer I gave him. It came from Greg, originally, and after fixing it I was told that I could only give it away for, well, sex. I’m not about to have sex with Craig, so I think I violated that part of the agreement.

In any case, I gave him the computer a while ago and he’s on dial-up. That means he hasn’t updated any of the software and I had to reinstall virus programs, and I had to do it for him. I probably would have been screwing around with my own computer if I wasn’t screwing around with his. This way, however, I got some beer out of the deal since Craig works at the local pub.

I did do some yardwork beforehand, and since the yard debris garbage can was full I didn’t feel so bad about stopping. I suppose I could get a chipper and do some more composting, but that sounds like work, too.

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