An alluring scent.

Today someone was wearing a perfume that smelled like Pez. No, actually, I think it smell like Smarties. And it was kind of nice.

So, besides my bazillionaire boss (who is related to a famous ex-president) most people think I got an incredible deal on getting my door frame fixed. My contractor friend Jason told me that there was nothing I could do but get the door replaced, and that the TWO THOUSAND DOLLAR washer/dryer set were the way to go. He wouldn’t let me consider any other option, and even gave me pointers on how to cut a proper hole in the wall to move the light switch.

So, that just leaves my sister as the only one who is against the fancy washer and dryer. She was mad at me because she thought I’d gone and bought them on my own volition. She forgot that my mother specifically told her to look at washers and dryers while she was up here visiting. She forgot, because she was too busy buying yarn and hanging out with her friends. What an idiot. Er, I mean, how rude of her.

3 thoughts on “An alluring scent.”

  1. I can’t believe that anyone in your house needs 2k worth of washing/drying machines. Just get one of those little stackable jobs and call it a day! I also think that you should crank call your sister for hanging up on you…then again I’d probably hang up on you too.

  2. Not only is yer post hilarious.. so are those that are commenting. 😉 LOL.. i had a good tickle.. 🙂

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