Woo! The new computer works.

OK, so the question is how long is it going to take me to upgrade SuperEggplant from a PII-450 to a P4-1.4. Should be much faster, though I don’t know how much difference that will make for the people accessing it from the outside. Too bad I’m not mean enough to make my sister cough up some dough for all of this. What I really should replace are my old Macs, but I can’t do that to them.

Went to the gym today and the 22YO was as surly looking as ever since the melon-headed guy wasn’t around. There are two “older” women there (older meaning they’re probably 30-ish rather than 20-ish) whose attractiveness dropped when they started talking about “marketing goals” and “graphs made to resemble Mt. Everest.” They were on the elliptical trainer near me, and a somewhat swishy male friend of theirs joined them. You can guess who kept looking my way and ended up talking to me. Well, good thing we had nothing in common. He likes Country/Western music, and C&W is the reason I have my iPod as backup at the gym, so I can drown it out if they start to play it.

Too bad the cute woman with the big nose isn’t around any more. She was, well, cute.

One thought on “Woo! The new computer works.”

  1. Um, can I come to the gym with you while I’m visiting for Turkey Day? Maybe if you’re seen with a hot athletic broad then you’ll attract some others?!?!?!!!!
    Yes, I am a hot broad!!!!

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