I’m such a geek.

I spend all day at work on the computer, and I come home and spend time on my own computer. This evening, I tried to move around some things to get spam filtering working better. I think I just spent a lot of time doing nothing, making things more complicated. Ah, well. This is what you get when you have too much time on your hands, and when you’re used to doing things while watching TV. In high school, I’d have the TV on, the radio on, and I’d read a magazine. Perhaps that’s why I often skim things and not read them in detail.

But very often, there’s no reason to read magazines in detail. Like Runner’s World repeating the same things month after month. I guess they’re not repeating things, since they often contradict themselves, but the topics were the same. Bicycling is the same way.

Maybe I need to read more Dostoyevsky.

One thought on “I’m such a geek.”

  1. I finally got rid of our RW subscription. Same old crap. Hey, guess what is now available and what you will be getting via FedEx on Monday, probably? Someone has to sign for it, so make sure the old man has on his pants and answers the door.

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