Hooray! I’ve gained weight, too!

I suppose it’s not a big surprise I’ve gained a bit because I’ve been eating like a pig at lunch lately. But as the kids used to say, “Whatever.” My knees were hurting at the gym so I didn’t get to challenge the women’s record holder in the front squat. I usually try to keep up with her because, well, it’s a goal isn’t it? My stomach has felt kind of funny since Saturday afternoon when I had a tuna melt at Kenny and Zuke’s. I wondered if my dinner from Super Burrito Express needed an antidote, but I’ve since heard that several people from the gym have had the stomach ‘flu. Yet more things to look forward to in my delightful day-to-day existence. In any case, I did finish the workout (with the big hole cut out where I should have been doing front squats) and my knees aren’t perfect, but they don’t hurt like they did last week.

I thought about renewing my CPR certification and my libertarian buddies tried to talk me out of it. I guess it’s not safe to rely on the Good Samaritan laws any longer, and you can be sued for trying to help people. Their suggestion was just to keep walking. I suppose there’s no reason to get the BLS for Healthcare Professionals cert any more, but I may just do Community CPR. Just like anyone else who took the EMT classes, I’ve had a heck of a lot more CPR practice than most people. Fortunately, I’ve never had to use it beyond what the paramedics taught me: It’s not really, “Airway, Breathing, Circulation,” it’s “Airway, Freeway.” (In my case it was modified to, “Airway, 911.”)

One thought on “Hooray! I’ve gained weight, too!”

  1. and that is why libertarians are COCK SUCKERS!! i’ll find out if the person in need is a libertarian and, if so, i’ll keep walking!

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