And Tuesday, not so much.

I got up this morning feeling like doodie. I didn’t sleep well and I was coughing. I suppose it was probably because the painters were here doing prep work and sanding, creating all sorts of dust that was kicked up when the furnace turned on in the morning. In any case, I didn’t feel very good today but I couldn’t just go home because the painters were here and the house was set to be full of fumes. In fact, the painters, being painters, left the windows closed all day instead of airing the place out. It still smells like stain right now.

The painting should be finished tomorrow, and then the tiling on Thursday and Friday. The shower door is supposed to go in on Thursday. And the plumbing might be in on Friday if I’m lucky. So that means, if all goes well, I can take my first shower in my new bathroom on Saturday.

We’ll see how the disappointment goes.

New goal for 2009: make Carolyn eat her hat.

2 thoughts on “And Tuesday, not so much.”

  1. Oh good. Do you think the girls would mind if you photographed them for the blog? And by the way, telling the girls you have a blog should wait for date 5 at LEAST.

  2. i think a photo of you in your new shower would not only be a good advertisement for the gym, but you might get dates. HA!!

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