OK, so there are some things I don’t need to see.

I saw the movie Audition today. That film was truly screwed up. My friends and I have enough trouble with women as it is. We don’t need that kind of help.

Plus my friend Joey is pleasantly reminding me of my mortality by mentioning my “imminent demise.” Yeesh. If the magic $80/pill pharmaceutical sorcery works, my demise isn’t all that imminent.

And a driver really ticked me off by blowing a stop sign and making a “California stop.” She rolled the Grand Cherokee through the intersection and was too busy putting on her glasses to stop at the crosswalk. I really should let it go and not let the drivers know what I think of them.

One thought on “OK, so there are some things I don’t need to see.”

  1. Hi stupid…hope you’re doing well!! I haven’t read you in forever…kind of been missing you! Quit being a freak about chicks and just go ask someone out for shits.n.giggles. You and my bro drive me nuts!!!!!!!!!

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