Somehow, my sister has me on a snipe hunt.

Today I was still at the Kawasakis with all the kids and stuff. We went downtown to a big bookstore and one of the main reasons was to look for my sister’s Itoya Xenon pen. Apparently Itoya pens don’t exist in this part of Japan. We’ve all agreed that my sister is a harsh taskmaster.

Dr. Kawasaki (the older son of Dr. Kawasaki) was called out this morning and so our plans were slightly delayed. After he got back, we all went to a Japanese onsen hot spring, which was packed. There’s no pictures because you really shouldn’t see pictures of a bunch of naked Japanese dudes and they probably would have kicked my ass for bringing in a camera.

Tomorrow I’m off to Tokyo, my mom is off to my aunt’s, and the Kawasakis are all off to their respective houses. Not much has gone on here, but it was fun nevertheless!

3 thoughts on “Somehow, my sister has me on a snipe hunt.”

  1. When you go to Tokyo, are those Japanese male thongwear on your shopping list? When I think about those thongwear, I think about ass-flosser.

    I wonder how it feels to wear one of those? Btw, does the thongwear come in pairs?

  2. your sister is just trying to make sure that you aren’t bored while you are there. she knows what a dork you are!

  3. Did I not TELL you it didn’t matter about the pen? You just like bitching about me. Don’t forget to look for the pen and my lip balm in Tokyo, ha ha.

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