Not so interesting now.

So it’s three days until I leave for Japan and there’s a big question as to what the contractors are going to do to the house while we’re gone. Nothing bad, I’m sure, but everything always looks so much smaller after the walls start going up. The shower stall, for example, looks smaller now that the framing is going in. The contractor said, “You aren’t going to have any three-ways in here, that’s for sure.” That’s never happened before and I doubt it’ll ever happen to me. I like disappointing women one at a time, thank you very much.

It’s also a good thing that I made sure how much it would cost me to use my iPhone in “roaming mode.” I figure a month of minimal data use (email, some surfing, etc) would cost me about $9750. I’m glad I did the calculations before I decided to try it.

THMFIC at the gym always tells me my blog is getting boring. Unfortunately, even the embellished version of my life isn’t all that interesting. (The other thing he always tells me is to buy longer shorts. Mine are the “mid-thigh” ones, not the long basketball ruffian version that go all the way to the knee.) I mean, really, go to work, go to the gym, take things to Goodwill, what else is there? I could talk about the non-date that I had the other week, but I didn’t think it would amount to much even before it happened. Others were talking it up but when it kind of fizzled I wasn’t surprised. At least I wasn’t directly insulted at any time, just annoyed.

The difference between annoyance and insults are quite clear. Bringing along a friend to dinner at the last minute and then having that friend not able to eat anything because of dietary restrictions and personal preferences is annoying. That can be overcome by drinking several beers and gin and tonics. Insulting is when you ask someone out and they say, “Hah. With YOU?”

So, really, I haven’t heard that one for a couple of years, but I really haven’t asked anyone out, either. Oh, wait, I did have someone give me her phone number and then when I called she said, “Who is this? Todd? Todd who?” Like THMFIC at the gym says, over 40 means you’re invisible. Actually, MIT Engineer means you’re invisible, too, though my actual super-power is the ability to make a woman’s eyes glaze over in less than a second. Now if only that was a useful skill.

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