Kill Bill? Feh.

Happy May Day.

I just saw Kill Bill, Vol. 1 and decided that Tarantino doesn’t have an original thought in his head. The two main reasons I didn’t like it are:

The bad Japanese dialog. A friend asked me, “And it bothered you that much? More than Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, or Antonio Banderas speaking English?” The answer is yes. Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Antonio Banderas can speak English. They just do it with accents. Uma, on the other hand, probably can’t speak more Japanese than she needs to put in her order at the sushi bar.

The derivative sword fighting. It was just like every samurai TV show I watched while in Japan. I have a friend who really liked the movie and doesn’t like violent movies much. I think the problem with Kill Bill, Vol. 1 is that it’s like a summary of samurai movie sword fighting shows. If you’ve seen the “real thing,” you’ll see that the movie is just a watered down version. If you’ve never seen the real thing, it looks fine.

Anyway, enough about that. I went to DEQ to have my car checked and breezed through. It’s the start of the month and it should have been busy!

One thought on “Kill Bill? Feh.”

  1. So you’re complaining that two American actresses trying to speaking Japanese while playing two Americans trying to speak Japanese sounded like two Americans trying to speak Japanese. This makes perfect sense.

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