Don’t blame me!

My sister is probably still feeling puny, so she’s not posting. It’s not my fault!

For my birthday, she got me a RadioShark and I just got 15 bars of a chocolate I like from Japan. I haven’t had it regularly since I left Japan in 1991.

I know someone had to be in on this. Thanks to everyone involved!

I haven’t been posting because I’ve feel, well, dizzy since Friday afternoon. I tried a bunch of things to try to fix things, drinking hot water, eating a sugary gelato (Mio Gelato!), and lying down. I hate the thought of having the same problem that my father always complains of. He says he’s sick so often (several times a day) that if he really does get sick we won’t know.

I finally figured out at a strip club that looking to the left, turning to the left, or moving my head to the left made me dizzy. Holding my nose and blowing alleviated the symptoms. I figured it was a sinus problem and it finally seemed to go away today. I wish I could say that going to the strip club was fun in some way, but it was just disconcerting and $5 for a small Coke. I spent most of the time trying to figure out what I had to do to make myself feel dizzy. I was ignoring a naked woman. I must have been sick.

One thought on “Don’t blame me!”

  1. Bah ha ha! This cracked me up! I kind of pictured you there holding your nose while naked women were all around you. But I know what you’re feeling. I get dizzy and nauseous a lot around this time too. It is sinus. I usually take Tylenol sinus medicine and it helps.

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