Crap, crapity-crap.

Add it to the list. The rocket scientists at frigging Fox it’s-an-insipid-reality-show-so-we’re-canceling-it Network canceled Wonderfalls. Just like Keen Eddie, Firefly, John Doe, Angel, Fastlane, and probably several others I can’t remember off the top of my head.

Oh, well.

Tomorrow I get my bone marrow biopsy and I’m going to be fine! So there.

2 thoughts on “Crap, crapity-crap.”

  1. Don’t cry, big boy!! I’m right there with ya’ and it’ll all be perfectly fine. Got it????? Nima is super confident that she got every last bit of the cancer that was hitchin’ a ride in me so my good news will be followed by your good news, right?!?!?!?!??!!!!!!Love you, dude…

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