I’ve had all I can stands and I can’t stands no more.

After two months and two days and I finally caved and had a cheeseburger. And not just any cheeseburger, but a double-double animal style at In-N-Out burger. I even walked the whole route of the cable car to get to In-N-Out at Fisherman’s Wharf.

I walked back to work it off, but I had to make a pit stop and In-N-Out didn’t have a rest room. Some clown told me to just use the one in Hooters. (He really was a clown; he had a red rubber nose and floppy clown shoes and was juggling flaming pins while riding a unicycle.) The waitresses at Hooters all looked like they were in high school and it made me feel kind of creepy to be there. Fortunately, I just used the bathroom and got the heck out of Dodge.

In-N-Out double-double animal style.

I was going to have dinner with my friend Megan again, but it was probably for the best that I didn’t. Monday night was Suppenküche with Megan, Thuy, and JG.

Suppenkuche tritip.

Tuesday was Conduit with Megan and Vivian, super fancy.

Conduit pork chop.

And super fancy desserts.

Conduit desserts.

So when Megan couldn’t make it back in time to meet for dinner, it was time for me to go for the cheeseburger. I’m on vacation, after all, and most times I’m in California I make it to In-N-Out. I even hit the drug store for some bandaids and the book store for another book to read. I’m all set.

One thought on “I’ve had all I can stands and I can’t stands no more.”

  1. Hey Todd, that Sashi guy in the links from an earlier post looks just like you!

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