4, 3, 2…

I ordered a bunch of books on Amazon Marketplace. They’re the next few books in the Harry Bosch series by Michael Connelly, and of course they’re arriving from different used book stores in the REVERSE ORDER of how I want to read them. Figures, doesn’t it?

I made it back to the gym today, and I’m finding out that my unplanned absence from the gym has had detrimental effects. I’m tired and I’m sore. Well, I suppose I was tired and sore back then, but I was doing better right before I stopped going because of my back. And today was a doozy. I walked into the earlier class and someone working out looked at me and said, “I feel like throwing up.” And here’s more visual proof, from the gym’s blog, of how I’m feeling.

Confused at the gym.

I’m sure I looked a bit more like that today as well. Tired and wondering what I’m doing, only sure that it has something to do with these weights. I’m even dorkier looking when I’m sitting next to my sister’s dog.

Next week I’m going to be in San Francisco for Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference and I was thinking I better work out at Crossfit at the marina while I’m there. Now I’m thinking that I’m just going to eat like a pig and enjoy myself for a week. What a dilemma.

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