Now I have pink eye.

It takes a lot to jar me out of my usual routine and I didn’t do anything normal for a Thursday today. I got up and my eyes were glued shut with goo, and for the second day I didn’t feel good enough to go to work. But I went anyway because I’m covering for a guy who is on vacation. I’ve heard pink eye is very contagious, but the web didn’t say all that much. I decided if I just work my glasses, I’d probably avoid touching my eyes as much as I usually do when I’m wearing contacts. It worked.

I stayed late because we had a four-hour-long meeting and I needed to do my “real work”. Plus, I knew I didn’t feel up to going to the gym.

And it’s Thursday, CSI night. But I didn’t watch any TV. I read a book.

Oh well, at least I’m still alive to have these weird illnesses. After tomorrow, I can sleep in all weekend. Too bad it’s going to be so hot all weekend. Rainy and cold would be perfect for sleeping in.

One thought on “Now I have pink eye.”

  1. Lysol your keyboard. My client got pink eye from sharing a computer at work…eewwww!
    Hope you get healthy soon. Stay away from me in the meantime! 🙂 🙂 🙂

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