I figured some dietary things out BACKWARDS but I still figured them out. I think (if I’m doing my math right) that the SW chicken salad at Mickey D’s actually fits the Zone diet. Also the Fajita chicken Pita at Jack-in-the-Box. This is great news for someone as lazy as me. Unfortunately, that might mean eating at those places more often than I should.

Since I’m telling my story backwards anyway, we somehow ended up at Mickey D’s for lunch today. The guy who we though would complain the most was laughing gleefully because they had KETCHUP ON TAP. It wasn’t a pump, it was a little tap with pressurized ketchup coming out of it. The other guys ate double cheeseburgers (only $1) and other such fine foods, but I had the SW Grilled Chicken Salad. Turns out that’s about what I’m supposed to be eating. I could probably do without all the salt, but the rest of the numbers seemed to add up.

I ended up eating late because when I got home from the gym the sky was filled with those silly birds that go into the school’s chimney. We usually don’t see too many in the spring migration; they’re mostly here in the fall. But today I’d estimate several thousand birds were in the sky. I called all the birders I know (well, two birders I know) and we stood out watching the birds and the Cooper’s hawk that comes to eat the unwary swift. It was great. It was just three of us and then some people we know from the local Audubon society showed up as well. It’s kind of fun to watch the birds without all the hundreds of other people clogging up the neighborhood.


  1. I’m pretty sure that you can’t be healthy and eat fast food. Yup, pretty sure about that.

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