A fine day for yardwork.

The weather was quite nice today, in the low 70’s, which is about as hot as a native Oregonian wants it to get. This is also the first nice day that my hay fever wasn’t killing me. This meant I had no excuse to let the grass grow any longer and I spent much of the day doing yardwork. It all still looks like hell, but a little better than when I started. The nice weather also meant that the neighbors started coming out again. I hadn’t seen many of them since last fall unless they were driving by in their cars.

I recall doing some work (the stuff I get paid for) but I was trying to remember what all I was doing that could be construed as “slacking.” I hooked up my Wii again, but I only played one round of “Mario Cart.” I finally remembered that I finished reading another mystery by Michael Connelly. I would have started on the other one I have by him, but I’m missing the book that comes in between the two. Good thing I have Amazon Prime.

So all in all, a lazy Sunday with a little bit of work. I only regained a little weight with all the beer I drank, so I guess I’d call it a success.