I finally got a Wii.

The day I found out that I couldn’t afford to date anyway, my friend called and told me that there were Wii’s available at the Target by work. So I went out with some friends and got one at lunch. This also involved eating a hamburger at Dairy Queen and my justification was in two parts:

  1. I didn’t have to get cheese on the burger (thus maintaining my cheeseburger-less streak).
  2. Target is near the Dairy Queen.

Of course I didn’t leave work early, and I didn’t miss my workout at the gym so that makes me a bad geek who didn’t play with his brand-new Wii much. I could have skipped the gym since my legs are sore from squats and my chest is sore from pullups. I played a couple of miserable holes of golf and an easy race around the track with Mario Cart but that was the extent of my Wii-ing.

The gym’s blog has yet another spectacular picture of me.

Secret Asian man.

Now I’m beginning to wonder if I’d need to make a lot more than $10,000,000/year to go out with a 34-year-old.

One thought on “I finally got a Wii.”

  1. Looking good, Sashi!
    I get to go to Mo’s Burger in 2 weeks. I’ll eat an extra one for you 🙂

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