My sister’s secret stash.

So it turns out my sister’s flikr site wasn’t as secret as I had thought and I stole some pictures. Here’s a picture of the cake, which is also on my sister’s blog today. I successfully blew out the candles, but I can’t remember what I wished for.

The cake from my sister.

As long as I was stealing pictures, here’s one of me and my birthday beer. This is what I look like all hopped up on pollen and Benadryl.

The beer.

I was pretty tired today but made it to the gym anyway. I think I’m too tired to remember what we did besides slamball and rowing, alternating each minute for ten minutes. There’s a couple of hardcore crossfitters at our gym now, I think they’re going to find out pretty quickly that no one at this gym wants to work out so hard that we see our last meal again. There’s a clear line between working out and overdoing it and I probably would have given up bicycling and running and going to the gym for all these years if I was throwing up all the time. Then again, maybe I wouldn’t have to do all that exercise if I quit training with a steady diet of Popeye’s fried chicken.

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