
Now I’m being told not to say bad things about the gym I’m going to because the guy who runs it is reading my blog. OK, then, NATHAN IS A DOODIE HEAD. Actually, he’s a really nice guy and the only problem there is probably me and my big mouth. My sense of humor isn’t any more offensive than what I hear on NPR, but I suppose it would be bad for me to scare off any of his other clients. I suppose NPR is probably plenty offensive to the right-wing.

Now that I have that out of the way I can’t remember what else I was thinking about. My head, after all, is hurting. I wonder if it was today’s new cheeseburger avoidance that did it. First, instead of having this cheeseburger, I had some mediocre Chinese food. And honestly, the restaurant was pretty scary, with boarded up windows and a blackberry filled parking lot with tire-eating potholes.

I went out to dinner with my mom, and this time I avoided the cheeseburger with a garden burger and some semi-inedible potato salad. Someone forgot to cook the potatoes. My mom ordered a SINGLE pancake, and it was big enough for several people.

Stepping Stone pancake.

The gardenburger was much better than I thought it would be. It was actually tasty rather than just rubbery and odd. I may have to eat more of those things.

One thought on “Yeesh.”

  1. FUCK whoever reads your dumb old blog and doesn’t like it!! A blog is like the television…you can change the channel if you don’t like it 🙂

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