The GPS is great.

I got my laptop fixed at work, which is a good thing because nothing happens without computers at Megacorp. I had a very short week at work and I was still fairly tired from it all.

In fact, I only worked two days and spent Friday volunteering with part of the group. There was a flood in Vernonia on December 3rd and people are still cleaning up. Some of us loaded and delivered firewood and others tore out flooring. I spent the morning helping a man move things out of his house so it could be re-sheetrocked. In the afternoon I helped load firewood.

Basically, I say all this to make an excuse for not doing anything today. In fact, I think I only left the house to eat dinner at the fancy Korean restaurant in the neighborhood. The restaurant is not too cheap, but oddly enough there are always a lot of little kids there. I think there were only four Asian customers and the rest were whiteys with little kids. And I thought little kids only liked fast food and places like Red Robin.

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