My last day of “vacation.”

Dave the Trainer is trying to set up a new gig with Everyday Athlete Portland (who have to change their name, I guess) and had me take a class down there today. It started out warming up with some skipping and lunges and then practicing exercises. The practice exercises were then used to create a set of six or seven and you did one for 30 seconds, rested for 30 seconds, and then went on to the next exercise. You went around to all the exercises 3 times. Nothing by itself was that bad, but one after the other was something that could make you want to throw up. But it was pretty quick and pretty fun.

Tomorrow I start my new job, so that’s about it for today. Besides going to the gym, I think I just got lazy, though I did have a lot of email from the new job to read. Stupid work laptop. I should never turn it on.

3 thoughts on “My last day of “vacation.””

  1. Interval training is great–you don’t zone out or treat it like an odious task like half an hour on the elliptical. Plus it’s easier to really push yourself when it’s for 30 seconds instead 30 minutes. It’s like a butch version of “Curves”.

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