Every time I think Rolfing-ish massage is painful, I find out it really is painful.

I went to another session of my “Structural Integration” again. Man, did it hurt. But the pain is temporary. For example, I was getting work done on the bottom of my foot. If I stepped on a rock that hurt that much, I’d be in pain for days. When Fred stops, the pain stops. So that means he’s doing something that hurts that doesn’t really damage anything. There are places that are sore for a couple of days, but if anything else made me hurt that much initially, I would be in great pain for days. I wonder if I explained that properly? Today was some work on the abdominal muscles and it’s really hard to breathe through the pain there. Especially since it kind of pulls on the diaphragm.

In any case, that’s the fun I had today. It was a beautiful day and I did make it outside to put some leaf screens into the gutters, but I even woke up late today. I blame the ‘flu shot I got yesterday. It’s probably really just because it’s sleeping weather.

One thought on “Every time I think Rolfing-ish massage is painful, I find out it really is painful.”

  1. my chiropractor tries to tear my groin muscles away from whatever they are connected to and it makes me want to BARF!!

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