Little things make a rotten day.

Somewhere on the way to work, I stepped in dog poo. I didn’t realize it until I got to my cube at Megacorp, where I was trapped in a small space with the smell. I went outside, cursing all dogs everywhere, but was unable to find a puddle or any proper grass to get it out of my shoe. The grass in the ‘burbs is all fake and overwatered, making kind of a marshy green mess. I went on a walk for lunch and that didn’t help all that much either. I ended up spending the day feeling nauseous.

It was supposed to rain all day, so I was hoping I could wash off my shoe by walking around outside. Well, it finally let loose as I was walking from the train, which was a nice 25 minutes in the pouring rain. Lately I’ve been saying, “It usually doesn’t rain that hard in Portland,” a lot. Mostly in the fall, I think, but really the gutters usually don’t fill up with water. It just rains ALL THE TIME. Not hard, just enough to make it gloomy. And that’s the way I like it. It all kind of runs off and we don’t have problems. But today it just poured and I got soaked. Plus, my rain coat is falling apart and the replacement hasn’t arrived yet. OK, so it’s just the zipper pull that broke, but that’s enough.

And I’ve been addicted to this dumb computer game lately called Tumblebugs. Well, it no longer runs on my computer. Phooey. Just another fun thing to end the day.

2 thoughts on “Little things make a rotten day.”

  1. thanks for getting me hooked to tumblebugs –
    it expired after an hour of playing … that was merciful.

  2. Oh you’re in Portland! That kind of explains some things.

    So true–it’s the little things. Conversely, sometimes they make for a good day.

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