Good news and bad news.

I was told to stay out of the office I’m moving from and out of the office I’m moving to, so I checked my work email from home all day. I walked downtown to run some errands and my feet felt great. I guess those $100 shoes were worth it.

The bad news is that Good Dog, Bad Dog closed their original downtown store and now it’s an inkjet cartridge refilling store. Come on. How is an inkjet cartridge refilling store a suitable replacement for a place that sold homemade sausages? I really had a hankering for hot dogs, not fancy sausages. After I left to the Apple store (to buy iWork and iLife) I walked to the other end of downtown to Superdog and had a Nathan’s Famous. Fortunately I also went to GNC to get some nutritional supplements.

Good thing my next door neighbor knows I’m a big geek. He reminded me to go out and see the Space Shuttle/Space Station go overhead tonight. It was just a bright speck that crossed the sky, but it was fun to see.

One thought on “Good news and bad news.”

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