I am also a flake.

So I was going to see my friend Craig sing on Friday night, but I blew it off since I was tired, lazy, and not supposed to drink. Anyway, I went home and kept quiet instead of going out, and I feel pretty lame.

Well, the drought broke today and I had one whole beer today. It didn’t bother my stomach and it helped me make it through the tedious first quarter of the SuperBowl. But there were some interesting commercials and a better football game than many were expecting. Some of the best ads were from Portland. The Trunk Monkey rocks. Too bad they don’t have the latest commercial.

2 thoughts on “I am also a flake.”

  1. HEY! Enough name calling! 😉

    Been to Portland a few times, my bro in law was going to the Chiropractic school there and we visited. Beautiful city. Loved the Saturday Market, the historic downtown, old houses, and the rail line. And that biiiig book store.. Powells? Tempted to remarry hubby at the Elvis Wedding Chapel but he thought it tacky.. Hmmph..

  2. Hi, Todd: I’ve been reading your sister’s blog for quite awhile, and wandered over to your blog awhile ago (how can you resist a link called “insane brother?”) I’m a native Portlander currently living in San Diego. I miss Portland, but honestly, I don’t miss the weather!

    FYI: The Trunk Monkey spot was filmed right in front of my sister’s house last summer. Her house is on SE 36th right off of SE Steele (right across the street from Reed College’s soccer fields on Steele). We got to see the monkey and his trainer between takes — he was a very surly fellow, lemme tell you. The kid actors in the ad were fun and lively fellows, and really got into their parts.

    I hope you are feeling better these days.

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